I love to look at books about houses. Especially *bungalows*. My sister used to live in one, I didn't know it was a bungalow, but I remember liking it. I like all the wood and built in features in these houses.
I also like to make bags and purses. I scan through books like this and hope to get an idea, something I can add to what I already do, or something totally new.
See how neat these houses are? Have you ever lived in one, or do you live in one now? I call our house a Frank Lloyd Wright house. It's rather North and South and well, boring.
I like little fun fact books, too. I will soon find out what phloem bundles are.....and where our philtrum is located.
I do read some fiction. I say I don't, but I forgot about Miss Read books...........just check one out and see why I like them! I have many of them and I added these two to my collection yesterday!
I really should go to the library more often. I don't know why I don't. Do you? What do you bring home?
I should go with you to learn what to look for. I am so un-imaginative! Ugh!