This is such a sweet little book. If you see it at a thrift store, get it. If it looks worn out, it's because it is. I love the little animals and the plot. It was all gray. Just old drippy weather. Foggy. The book tells us how each little animal was dealing with it.............or not! Then the dew began to drip off the tree........the sun was coming out. The little animals started to get tickled...........and to forget about their gray and drippy day. They even danced. Then they said...........WHAT FOG? Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Too bad they wasted a whole morning. Don't waste a morning, afternoon, weekend, holiday, night................letting a broken spirit dry your bones.
If you chase enough rabbits, you'll make a trail. Come down those trails with me.