Lydia and I used to play Yahtzee ALL the time....time passed and we kind of left it off.
I got a zip-loc baggie with score cards and dice for a quarter at my favorite thrift store, so we started it up again. Games are a good way to help your kids learn how to count and add. It's also just a nice way to spend time with them.
I remember playing Yahtzee with my mom on our old kitchen table. It was (still is) fleck black and yellow, which made it dizzily blinding to look at when you were playing. The dice bounced on that table like popping popcorn. We made a lot of noise I'm sure.
What games do you play?
What games did you play with your mom or dad?
Or cousins?
Or friends?
We play several card games when we visit my parents or have more people over...7's, Canadian Salad, and sometimes Rook (although we haven't played that for a long time).
Our grandkids played a lot of Stay Alive the last time they were here.
We also have a "dice & penny) game and 2 other games that use only dice. One, we call "pig"; the other is a game of bluff - don't know the name...
Dice and elbows. That's all we had room for!