Well. I got the dress done.
But it isn't exactly what I planned.
The fabric I chose for the dress was long,
but very short in width.
In other words, it was a strange piece of fabric.
Long and skinny.
So I had to choose different fabric.
It's close to what I intended,,,,,
then the pattern I wanted to use just didn't sing.
So, the dress got done with a few
In blog-land, you can say whatever you want,
take pictures of the clean parts of your house,
make your kids look like angels,
your pets perfect.......
you can appear to fix supper every night in a
spiffy-clean kitchen.
You can make sure to take pictures of your clean vehicles,
your family gets up at six,
feeds the chickens by 6:10,
churn the butter,
your favorite things to bake are
sourdough french braided sesame seed bread and scones.
Scones with berries you picked last evening before the meteor shower.
You can have big thick books on the tables,
vases of flowers,
table-cloths on the line......and even horses if you wish.
Well, this is reality.
The dress didn't fit quite like I wanted it to.
The fabric is a bit scratchy.
I don't look taller in it and I doesn't make me look ONE bit skinny.
But, it did fit, I can wear it,
and I learned some things.
So, all was not lost.
I have a dress.
I will do better next time.
If I find the time.......
I have some *bread* I need to make.
I know what you mean about working with a long, narrow piece of fabric. I had that experience this weekend. I bought some very nice cotton tweed fabric and had the bright idea (AFTER I had bought the fabric) that I wanted to make a jacket and blouse ensemble. The fabric is a brown/beige tweed on the front side, and the back side has more brown in it. It's actually a reversible fabric which I didn't realize when I bought it (it was purchased online). So I tried to get a long jacket and blouse out of the three yards of fabric, but it was only 44" wide and I just couldn't squeeze it out of that amount. I went back and bought two more yards since I really like the fabric. It's a cotton which will breathe nicely in our hot Texas weather. Usually the fabric I work with is 60" wide, so this was quite a bit narrower than I usually get.
My goodness, I have rambled on quite a bit, haven't I? I just love "sewing talk" I guess.
Nevertheless, your dress is lovely. It is modest and pretty and I think you did a very nice job with it. I hope you will be happier with your next project!
I love your dresses. I love your peek into life because you are real. Your home, your family, and your faith are what keeps me a *lurker* most of the time.
Thanks for sharing...
Thank you for being real and mostly for being YOU. (o:
sorry the dress didn't turn out quite right, but it looks good to me!
and as soon as you make a dress that makes you look skinny, let me know and I'll buy it!