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Life Goes On

The trees were just the right wear these aprons most of the day.

I have garage sales for different reasons.  It all comes down to money, but there are lots of different ways to spend money which make lots of different reasons to make money.
This garage sale was for something specific.
We are taking a trip.
A big trip.
We will be taking our last two kids
to Washington DC
New York.....
and lots of things in between.
So, I wanted spending money.
It is a challenge
to make the money myself.
Garage sales aren't a lot of fun....especially in this heat.....but they are worth it.

I put sunscreen on three times.
I brushed my hair once.
We ate donuts, McDonalds and had Sonic.
and animal cookies


I love the aprons on the trees! Sounds like you had a good day! Love and huggles!
Chas said…
I love the pics of the real eggs. :) You are right, great minds. :)
That blue apron is so stinkin cute! I love the tiers!
What exciting trips that are coming up for you. The most excitement here lately was the used book sale I went to today... pretty exciting though! :)
Love to you friend!
Kristi said…
I also like the blue apron. Too, too cute!!

Washington DC and New York, huh? Sounds like a great trip.

If you come through NC...oh say Shelby/Gastonia/Charlotte or even SC in way of Blacksburg and Spartanburg, give me a ring...maybe you could stop by for a minute. Even while you're on the road.

Be sure to write down those cities. ;)

Mo said…
Krisit, we've already discussed how close, yet so far, we will be from your family....


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