12 years ago Lydia was born on this day...........
she has been a joy to our home
I am so glad she is ours.
She is on a three day birthday celebration!
Friday she got to go shopping and we ate at Ryan's.
Saturday we had her birthday meal and she got to go to a parade
and ride on some rides with our church friends.
Today, we will eat out for lunch and have some kind of cake?
Sometimes it just happens like that.
It takes three days to work things out!
(and yes, this is all upsidedown........it would have been
much more impressive had this been on the bottom of Lydia
being ELEVEN)
she has been a joy to our home
I am so glad she is ours.
She is on a three day birthday celebration!
Friday she got to go shopping and we ate at Ryan's.
Saturday we had her birthday meal and she got to go to a parade
and ride on some rides with our church friends.
Today, we will eat out for lunch and have some kind of cake?
Sometimes it just happens like that.
It takes three days to work things out!
(and yes, this is all upsidedown........it would have been
much more impressive had this been on the bottom of Lydia
being ELEVEN)
happy birthday, Lydia!
Sounds like you've had a nice one. (o:
With much love from Mrs. Chas and Cameo!!!!!
I will tell her to write you really soon!
Happy Birthday, Hon Rosie!! You party for your birthday like I party for mine...three or more days...yeah, that's how to do it!
oh, my goodness, Mo, what a lovely young woman she is becoming. and i thought this was your BABY? i wonder how long it took your hairdresser-friend to do Lydia's hair? congratulations to the birthday girl and the blessed family as well.
Lydia is a lovely young lady!