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 I'm old enough to have seen record albums turn into mp3-Ipod whatever
cords, in your ear, music.
(One day, big speakers were cool. 
Turn around, little gadgets are cool.)
My mom sang to me, I heard her records and her radio. 
I heard music on T.V.....HeeHaw.
I remember when they made 8 track tapes....and wondered
how in the world they could work.  Then they came up with cassette tapes.
Little tape players.  I still have two players and I still listen to cassette tapes.
Then along came cd's. How do THEY work? Then Napster! Pandora. Spotify.
You Tube.  There is music everywhere. 
You can hook up your computer to your phone to your car to your ear.
As a 4 year old, I remember my sister at age 6, teaching me a patriotic song.
I listened to my mom's CW music. She had records, and she had a radio.
  Crying Time Again.  It's Such a Pretty World Today!
My dad sang.....I've Got Heartaches By the Number.
I think I heard him sing that the night he dropped pork chops
in the dirt when he was grilling.
It was a great time to be in grade school in the 60's and 70's.
Not at all like today.  We sang fun songs to a piano.
Mrs. Helwig was the 5th grade teacher, and she played piano.
I think she didn't enjoy Mr. Bledsoe any more than the kids did.
But he DID teach me to play the flute.
I went to little kid movies, and heard Mary Poppins sing.
I was also a Girl Scout.  If you ever go to camp, THEY got songs.
Oh, the horse put his foot put his foot on the ground.....
One day, I don't know when, I started to control the music I listened to.
I bought 45's from J.C. Penny's.  I had a stack 2 feet high.
I still had to listen to my mom's records and her radio.
Johnny Cash, Don't Step On Mother's Roses.
That song made me feel sad as a little girl, and still does to this day.
I listened to KOMA out of Oklahoma City,
when the radio would pick up the signal.
Which wasn't often. 
Whatever my dad sang, and listened to,
I was a part of it.
Music took me places, and I went where the music was.
Many a day I wish Billy Joel, would just go away.
Triggers.  Music triggers. Memories.
Music Box Dancer.....working at the Fuller Brush cafeteria.
Everything would stop when that song came on the radio.
Country best friend's mom died when that song was popular.
Somewhere, Out There....poor little mouse can't find his family.
Seasons In the Sun.....8th grade.
Freight Train Freight Train, go so dad.
And she thinks she's the pink of perfection!.....I think my Aunt Nancy
had the record.
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head....watching TV with mom and dad.
On a bean-bag.
Galveston! Oh Galveston! I can drive to Galveston.  I used to not even
know what it meant, or where it was.
......find me at Noonvale....sniff sniff
Home, home on the range......good old Kansas.
Monster Mash......played around Halloween!
Ugly Bug Ball......I just know that song.  Don't know how or why.
It's Cold In the Hutchinson Jail.....Nancy Sinatra.
WERE WE the only ONES that had a Nancy Sinatra album memorized?
And who in the world bought me a DOOR'S album when I was so young?
Why would somebody do that to a little kid?

Then March 16, 1979 I gave my heart and life
to the Lord.  I was born again. 
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
 old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
It didn't take me long to figure out, there were just some
things I didn't need to listen to anymore....or dwell on.
I say, if your mind passes by less than lovely things,
keep going, don't park there.
It didn't take years to understand....
I didn't have to go to Bible college.....
I didn't have to pray about it, I didn't even need much counsel,
it was pretty clear. 
There was a whole new world of music for me to learn.

Better music. 
To have hidden in my heart, for times I didn't have a song book.
You know how you can be asked the question....what would you want if you
were on a deserted island?
I'd want hymn books.

 At least 4 different ones, and make sure they're old.
  Thank you.
(this isn't all I'd ask for, it's just a start)
I stood by I.O. Kirkwood in church and heard her sing with such joy....
we always like the part of the hymn that says:
all to Him, I. OWE.  We got  to sing her name!

I like the Inspirations, Buddy Davis, Ed Russ, and Darcel McCoy,
but mostly, I like hymns.

Having 6 kids brought lots of music into the house.....Ladybug Picnic,
Oh Where Is My Hairbrush?....Mother Goose, The Dog With the
Longest Name In the World, Would You Like To Buy An O?, When Dragon's
Hearts Were Good, Gonna Build a Fence Around Texas, City of New Orleans,
Pirate songs, railroad songs, and of course,
Little Ducky Duddle.

But I still like hymns, best.

Love Lifted Me.....because.....Heaven Came Down

I Am Resolved AND I shall not be moved
I Belong To the King!

I'm Living By Faith.....
Jesus Came Into My Heart!

Open Mine Eyes That I May See.....that...This World Is Not My Home

~Tell It To Jesus~ so you can have ~Victory In Jesus~

Whisper A Prayer In the Morning
 Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus

Oh! Happy Day! That Fixed My Choice!
Redeemed! How I Love To Proclaim It!

O, For a thousand tongues to sing...More Love To Thee

Great Is Thy Faithfulness
One day He's coming! O glorious day!

I'm Pressing On, the Upward Way!
He Brought Me OUT Of the Miry Clay!

Each step I take....
I know....
He's A Shelter In the Time Of Storm
Jesus is a Rock in a weary land.

I will sing, the wondrous story
He Ransomed Me!

When I leave this earth,
 I won't be singing the blues.


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