My dad had LOTS of sayings. He had something to say for every occasion.......or a little song for whatever was going on. He used to say: "Promises! Promises!" In other words, your words are useless. You make promises but never carry through.
Well, I found the Lord to stay true to His promises, every one of them.
I bought this little box of verses around the time I was saved. Bible verses were SO foreign to me. My knowledge of the Bible could fit in half a walnut shell. I'm so glad I still have the Bible I used when I first got saved.......I like to look at the pages and remember back when I was learning new things. Good things. True things.
I happen to remember the first verse I memorized.
Psalm 58:11 .......... and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
What do you remember from when you were newly saved? What sticks in your mind? What makes you rejoice and smile every time you think of it?
I was a young widowed mommy, "weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5
And, like Bonnie, I remember devouring God's word....I just couldn't get enough of it. :o)
I was very young when I first personalized faith in Jesus. My mother was with me - in one of my grandparent's bedroom (we were staying with them that summer). What I remember is the way the sunlight flooded the room - a blue room with white Priscilla curtains.....