My mom gave us this neat little hibachi....some state parks have nice bbq pits, some do not. This place did not so I was glad we brought this. We didn't do a lot of cooking on's very easy to run out of energy and just go to Pizza Inn.
I don't *wear* my phone, I don't take it with me everywhere I go, I CAN live without it.....but it kind of jabbed me every time I saw made me feel like a buffalo. "Oh give me a hoooooome..."
Dummy me......I was sending texts and people were replying, but I wasn't getting them. I hate dead zones.
Then on Friday afternoon, I turned my phone off, then back on. I got 20 texts all at once. It was pretty fun!
It was fun to see different wildflowers all around the park. Late May is a good time to be there!
Sunrise, Sunset. It was so fun to see the different colors in the morning and evening. Because of where our house is situated here in town.....I see just the tops of sunrises and sunsets.
It stormed one night. It sounded like the lake was going to come right into the screened shelter. The wind and rain blew sideways so hard that we went to the restrooms....where we were told to go if there was a storm. It got pretty windy there for a while. Then it stopped.
My ingenious idea for a bird feeder, did NOT work. No bird could ever sit on the side of this and not tip it instead of birds tweeting and feeding around the side of this old coffee pot part, I would just throw bird seed on the ground around it. Less fun, but a few cardinals and blue-jays did visit.
That hibachi is a great size. We recently broke down and bought a used, simple grill. A couple of nights ago, I grilled chicken breasts, veggies and some hamburgers. We reheated the burgers the next day so got a little more mileage out of our charcoal.
Rebecca, we like to bbq too much too! Love to have it the next night with little effort. I also like to freeze leftover bbq and use it in my crock-pot beans.