Kimberly is now the official *hat maker* in the house.
She even learned how to make pretty flowers to go on them. I look horrible in hats, but that won't stop me from choosing some yarn at Hobby Lobby and having her make me one. With ruffles.
Twirly skirts.
Autumnal Pictures.......
Cookie Exchange !!
Heather wins the prettiest ornament award. !!
I sent some washrags to Kansas to sell at a store where my sister works.
Some key chains, too. See the purse? The plastic around the magnet tore. I threw it away.
Now I'm using my Fossil Vintage one.
This is what the top of our piano looks like.
Laugh in December.
And no, it's not on fire.
I'm almost to the end of the year with my Bible reading. I can't wait to start next year.
Thank you General Wok.
A very good friend from the past visited our church and preached.
When I got up one December morning, I looks like somebunny from *WhoVille* did the dishes.
Just some zinnias......
I hope I always remember to plant zinnias, marigolds, cosmos, lettuce and radish the end of September.
It makes a really nice December.
Our Autumn doorway.
As everybunny knows, I love Autumn skies.
I also love where leaves fall.
We also don't have any water right now.
I should have known when I saw the trucks that I should wash my hands and get a drink....
So, halfway through December, this is what we've done.
I like the hats & can't wait to see you in your ruffly one...I think this is the first I realized that Bunny isn't a bunny...we're having a cookie exchange during the Sunday school hour this week. (Seems not too many are wanting to participate. This may be the last year.)
If busy hands are happy hands, your hands must be VERY happy :)
Keep laughing, loving, and listening (sermons, Bible reading, etc.)