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About the time......

......I find a product I really enjoy......the stores I go to, stop selling it.  IF you can find some of this soap SOMEWHERE, get a bar.  I chose basil because it just smells so fresh and lovely.....I think two other choices are lavender or lemon.  I took the bar out of the package and the  room smelled like.....well......BASIL! I can't find it at Wal-mart anymore, but I imagine Super H.E.B. in Pearland has it....or maybe we will just go back to Central Market.
What did *YOU* used to buy that they don't sell anymore?


Rebecca said…
Shout It Out or Spray N Wash Stain STICK! I don't want the spray. I want the stick!
Little Penpen said…
Maybelline used to have a foundation that I loved; and they stopped making it. I guess it was 'old school' for them. It took me awhile to find a new one that I liked: Mary Kay. (costs more!)

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