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I hear guys say all the time, women can't be satisfied with their hair, colors of paint, shoes, couches and the weather.  And purses.  Well, here is proof that a woman can be satisfied with her purse.  I LOVE this purse.  I have some really nice ones that I use once in a while, and I always come back to this one.  Being purple helps, but that's not why I love it.  It's just arranged right.  When we lived in a 17 foot trailer, we would go 'look' at other travel trailers.  It's amazing how floor plans made all the difference in the world when you're talking about really small spaces. So, even if you have a huge purse, it is still a pretty small object compared to most things.
And the plan really matters. 
It's like this purse was made for me.
I hope it never wears out.
If anybody sees one like this.....tell me where you saw it.
I wouldn't mind having one in another color.......


~~Deby said…
"purses" are the thing I love to look at, and buy...not expensive ones either..nope won't buy a COACH just on general principals. I have come to the conclusion that buying or like a purse is a personal preference. I don't like DEEP purses...I want it to open and see it all....I have gotten some great ones at thrift birthday is this month and my husband let me buy the Miche Bag person system...we will see....I am not a shoes person at all....just the basics and they ahve to be comfortable...I am glad you have your ideal...I think someday..I may have to make my ideal...or not carry that is a great idea....
Grammie Kim said…
I completely agree with you. Our floor plan in our motor home was just what we needed at the time, even though ours was older, and smaller.
And I don't think I have ever quite found the RIGHT purse, but know what style works for me.
Hope you find another one, but I can't imagine you ever liking it more than the purple one.
Rebecca said…
I have YET to find the perfect purse for me. You are blessed indeed. Seems that the ones I find either have too MANY compartments or not
ENOUGH... (Isn't it funny that what works for one person doesn't work out for another one when it comes to purses?)

I DO like the color of your purse, too.
Anonymous said…
I'm with you! A good handbag is a wonderful thing! (o:
Mo said…
I tend to like Fossil purses, ON SALE or from a thrift store. I just know I don't want my purse walking in the room 3 minutes before I get there because it is so big.
Sara said…
I like compartments for my keys and cell phone when I have one! I don't want to struggle to get my bill fold out. And I like a purse that hugs close under your arm rather than flopping around on long straps.
Mo said…
I NEED to know where my keys are. I hate digging for them because the longer I do, the more I think I locked them in the car. Which could make for a really bad day.
Tanya said…
Your blog is really cute.

My mom loved purses. She was always looking for a "just right" purse, and practically collected them. She loved lots of pockets and compartments, and could never have a purse that was only one big pouch. I bet she would have liked your purple purse. :)

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