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The other give-away was so fun, we'll do this again:

Leave a comment........the sentence/comment must have the word DOILY in it.

Starting Tuesday (3rd) evening until Friday morning at 10 (6th) will be how long you have to enter the give-away.
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Heather said…
Ok, you might need to read this out loud to appreciate it. I don't promise it's great but I have cabin fever and am feeling loopy.

Things I do doily:

Doily, I brush my teeth. Twice.

I doily tickle at least one kid.

Doily, I pick up at least seven socks.

Last but not least, I doily make coffee in my cute percolator.
Motherofmany said…
i have a doily that i rescued from a box of things that belonged to a lady that had passed away in a nursing home recently. its now on top of my piano.
Anonymous said…
Oh! I love doilies!!!!!!!! I'm actually TRYING To make one. HA HA!

Do-I-Ly? I do not, I'd love a doily!

Gotta a contest myself going on.
Kristi said…
Diana Barry did not want one doily, but twenty!


At least I think it was twenty??
Chas said…

My sentence...
Kids, stop doily dolling around. :)

Sandy said…
Wish I were smart enough to make a doily.
ancient one said…
Wasn't one of the President's wives a doily? I'd like to have a doily!
To have a doily I would love.
If I get some,, you I would hug.
doilies are quite useful and pretty.
They keep the tops of things from getting dirty.
Doilies are fun to make.
even funner then to bake.
but I have not the patience to make some.
when I was younger I used to make a ton....
ok I'm done.
it was lame i know..but at least I tried with all my mind..
kt said…
Those doilies are lovely. Totally NOT old & suffy-ish. I love them!
kt said…
wait was that an appropriate use of the word doily? If not here is another one, ok? :-)
Mo said…
Doily Madison?
oh me............
Anonymous said…
I was gonna name our cow doily, but then I thought no, Dolly- next I remembered my grandmother and decided to name her Elsie! Elsie cow she is!
Yes, I truly do have a cow named Elsie.No, it is not true that I considered naming her doily. Yes,I truly did consider naming her Dolly. And yes, my grandmother's name was Elsie and she had an antique "Elsie Cow" collection of all sorts of things.And, yes, I truly would like to win the
doily-s from this give a way!

Have a great day Mrs.Mo!
Anonymous said…
Perhaps.. Doily Parton.. well, nah maybe let's not!!\
Grammie Kim said…
who's the lucky person?
Heather said…
Congrats Challice!!!! I know you'll use them doily!
Mo said…
you all are so punny

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