His name really isn't Daniel, it's James. We will never do that again, name a kid something we don't call him, or call a kid something we didn't name him.
James Daniel was born on this day 18 years ago. He weighed 10 pounds 2 ounces. He was born in Dallas and my midwife was Barbara Cook. The best midwife in the world.
I'm trying to think of one word to describe Daniel and the only thing that comes to mind is DRIVEN. Now, on top being driven for 18 years, he can now drive alone. Yes, we waited a while to let him get his license, no harm was done.........but that's all over now. He will go to TDOT this morning with his dad and get what he's been waiting for, for a long time. It's a pretty nice thing to have a kid that is excited about something like that for his birthday as opposed to what most kids want to do when they turn 18.
It has been a great 18 years having Daniel as our son. I'll really miss him when he moves next door...........
I hope you do wonderfully on your test Daniel... Happy Birthday!
Mrs. Mo, looks like you and DH have raised a fine boy! :)
Love to you my friend!
Enjoy your day!
good luck with your licence getting. did you get a car yet? yea, I remember when I turned eighteen and got my licence and got my car and everything it was pretty cool. :) just kidding
Happy Birthday to Daniel
Happy Birthday to Daniel
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Oh we call our second son by his middle name. He is named after Bills dad, and Bills dad too goes by his middle name(and our son is the 4th) older brother Bill's brother never had a son so asked bill to name one for Grandpa!!
Do we miss the first name?? I don't know? But having two Bill's has been interesting, as we named oldest after Bill...
I opened a bank statement and about died...31 cents! Then I looked at the date the account was opened...lol
Anyhow did you use midwife for all the deliveries???Oh and I had a 3.3lb baby, a 4.5lb baby and 2 around 6.5...10 pounds wow!!!!!!!
oh sorry I cannot stay logged in...
we had all 6 with a midwife.......Daniel was our biggest, he beat Caleb by one ounce, but Caleb had his hand on his forehead, so add 5 pounds for that!
Happy birthday Daniel and I will never forget that it was on your eighteenth birthday that you hit your first curb driving and that you made a mess when you served yourself up an icee at Buckees.
See......he is so fun to harass.
Your a good boy. Stay true, do your duty, refuse to compromise convictions, have convictions, never give up!