So, we have here a beginner's cookbook. I gave $5 for it at Dollar General. Nope, not a very fancy place! Some of the chapters are about nutrition, some are about soups, eggs, the pantry and preserving. It looks like a normal cookbook, but I'm going to turn it into something else.
I got this book for Lydia for school next year. Lydia is 10. I want her to be a haPPy HaPpY HoUseWifE so that's what we're going to do in school, learn to BE one!
As I looked through this book I saw lots of potential. She will hopefully learn more than just how to make a crepe or use a citrus reemer.
In this book I saw ART. I turn to page 32 and see a strainer......she can draw that. On page 75 are quail, goose and coll duck eggs. I think it would be nice for her to draw them also, and color them..........while learning about eggs........and uses for strainers.
In this book I saw SPELLING. Turn to page 145 and list 4 different kinds of game........pheasant, grouse, rabbit and venison. (OK, everybody knows how to spell rabbit, but does everybody know how to spell pheasant?) Copy each word 5 times and use venison correctly in a sentence. On page 92 we see different kinds of YOU know how to spell mozzarella? Well, you do now cause you saw it....but did you know before?
I see HEALTH.........not all fats are bad fats.
I see lots of ENGLISH.......on page 58, look at the underlined you see a describing word? Is it Delicate? Complete? Those are adjectives....they tell more about nouns and make sentences more clear. Look at action words in recipes.......remove, stir, add, pour, place, cover and serve!
I see MATH.........we are going to double the recipe on page 78. It is an Onion Tart. We will have to double 1/2. Maybe I will write up some story problems for her about parsnips and scallions!
PRINTING!!! Glorious copy-work!!! Turn to page 102 and copy Apricot Bread and Butter Pudding..........and don't miss anything because it will mess it up! Recipes have to be exact!
And of course, I see HOME-MAKING in general! How to use fresh herbs, spices, how to use a blender to make soup, learn about different dairy products, and maybe even learn that lobster is an extravagance.........
So, don't think you have to spend lots of money on fancy books to teach your daughter things she can learn about being a housewife......if you live near a Dollar General, maybe you can buy one of these books, too!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you.