The ingredients in white bread could sound like characters in a science-fiction horror movie. What is all that stuff? It can’t be good for you. Azodicarbonamide, calcium stearoyl lactylate…… And we eat the stuff all the time. But, there’s something worse than white bread. It is the bread of idleness. That should be feared above anything white bread can do to us.
Idle: i·dled, i·dling, noun
1. | not working or active; unemployed; doing nothing: idle workers. |
2. | not spent or filled with activity: idle hours. |
3. | not in use or operation; not kept busy: idle machinery. |
4. | habitually doing nothing or avoiding work; lazy. |
5. | of no real worth, importance, or significance: idle talk. |
6. | having no basis or reason; baseless; groundless: idle fears. |
7. | frivolous; vain: idle pleasures. |
8. | meaningless; senseless: idle threats. |
9. | futile; unavailing: idle rage. |
–verb (used without object)
10. | to pass time doing nothing. |
11. | to move, loiter, or saunter aimlessly: to idle along the avenue. |
—Synonyms 1. sluggish. Idle, indolent, lazy, slothful apply to a person who is not active. To be idle is to be inactive or not working at a job. Slothful denotes a reprehensible unwillingness to carry one's share of the burden: so slothful as to be a burden on others. 5. worthless, trivial, trifling. 7. wasteful. 11. See loiter. 13. waste.
—Antonyms 1. busy, industrious. 5. important, worthwhile.
Seems here that if you eat the bread of idleness that you won’t look well to the ways of your household.
Are you raising your daughter to be idle or industrious?
Industry: Word History: A clear indication of the way in which human effort has been harnessed as a force for the commercial production of goods and services is the change in meaning of the word industry. Coming from the Latin word industria, meaning "diligent activity directed to some purpose," and its descendant, Old French industrie, with the senses "activity," "ability," and "a trade or occupation," our word (first recorded in 1475) originally meant "skill," "a device," and "diligence" as well as "a trade."
Action does not mean industry, I could be a dictionary entry.
Some things might be hard to detect. We go to bed at night wondering if we got ‘anything done’ that day, did we start anything? Finish anything? Make progress in any area at all?
I challenge you to log the time your daughter/daughters spend in front of these things.)
What does TV and these electrical games do for our daughters?
- kills action and energy
- kills imagination
- kills desire to do something needful and helpful
- fills the heart and head plumb full of things
- takes away desire to do anything else
- could eliminate good book reading
- chief time waster
- diminishes real games with with real people
- visiting with various people vanishes
- age appropriate toys are chunked
- breeds lethargy
I know the ‘ease’ of saying yes to good stuff. It is ‘ease’ for the mother to say yes to daughters that want to do those ‘plugged in’ things. To say yes means a mom has 30 minutes, 90 minutes, or maybe even 2 whole hours to herself. To say yes means mom doesn’t have to look for something for the daughter/daughters to do. They have ‘something’ to do. Mom doesn’t have to look at spider books, bicycle tires or braids for a set amount of time. Now mom has some free time. Ah, now the daughters are occupied. Idle, but occupied.
We should be causing our girls to want to follow us around, to learn the things we know, to watch the way we clean, take care of things, keep things in order and the myriad of things we do throughout the day. To do this takes time. It might take longer to hang out clothes, to put up groceries, to make out a menu, to sweep a floor, to feed the animals, to clean the garage, to go through a drawer, but if our daughters see us do it with a smile on our face, they have learned something valuable.
Don’t park them in front of the TV while you are doing these household things. Don’t allow them to be ‘occupied’ for 30 minutes every time you turn around or you will have girls that won’t want to learn that there is even joy in doing cloth diapers. Don't do work they ought to be doing. They will most happily let you do it, but who will do it when they have their own home?
Plant radishes. They almost always grow.
Have your daughter do the toast when you have oatmeal. And don’t ‘redo’ it when she’s done.
Bake a jiffy mix muffin mix. It’s under 50cents. After she makes one and tastes it, she just might have a desire to make muffins from scratch. Let her.
Fix up a simple embroider kit for her. Let her do her favorite animal, even if it isn’t YOUR favorite.
Show her how to clean a bathroom floor with paper towels and a yummy smelling spray cleaner you picked out with each other at the Dollar Store.
Decorate the front door with something. Little girls like construction paper and glue. So should you.
Read a bird book together.
Help her write a letter to a missionary daughter.
Show them what a weed is. If you don’t know what a weed is, find out.
Then, this little short daughter turns into a tall daughter. She can now do ceiling fans and roast a turkey.
I know, I know…… say they can watch TV and play computer games AND do all of these things and grow up anyway, get married and have supper every night. Well, why handicap them?
Our daughters can grow up to be such a blessing to us. We will watch them learn things, then we will watch them live those same things out. They won't always have mom fixing things up for them. They MUST learn it at home, not the hard way.
Our girls should never be bored. There is a world of things out there they can be taught and trained to do. Those same things will cause your daughter to want to be excited to be at home………even by herself because she has so many projects going for the good of the household. Even if it is just for her and her husband.
Decorating, reading biographies, vegetable garden, make curtains, fix a 'real' supper every night, being frugal, laundry expert, make real bread, be a good home-school teacher, get stains out, antiques, animal care, crafts, schedules, goals, card making, Bible Study, child hood illnesses, child training, library use, make some soap, can some pickles, letter writing, photography, collections, music and piano, selling their wares, parties, games, outings, foreign language, hot sauce, make jam or jelly, make a candle or a bar of soap, back yard birding, knit, real pie crusts, wreaths, crochet, recipe books.......piles of them, uses for vinegar and baking soda.
Our daughters must know the difference between Comet and Cornstarch.
Here are some random words and phrases from Proverbs 31:
Virtuous, trust, rubies, seeketh, worketh willingly, she riseth, giveth, considereth, fruit of her hands, girdeth her loins, strength, merchandise is good, hand to the poor, hands to the needy, not afraid of snow, clothed with scarlet, maketh, silk and purple, husband is knowin in the gates, maketh, selleth, delivereth, honour, openeth her mouth with wisdom, law of kindness, looketh well, children arise up and clal her blessed, praiseth, thou excellest them all, beauty is vain…….feareth the Lord, Let her own works praise her in the gates.
Let us take the time to train our daughters and not give in to ease so one day they can be a crown to their own husband and teach their daughters what they know.
I am a mommy to three young daughters. I did not have a mom who encouraged me to not be idle so Im learning a lot of stuff as I go. It is definatly an uphill struggle and it is that much harder because I am trying to train my girls at the same time.
Thank you so much for this post of encouragement. I would enjoy reading more about how you trained your daughters and your sons as I have two little boys coming up as well. I am always seeking wisdom from the older women out there.
Thank you again for your words of wisdome here.
I am Melissa Smith. My husband pastors an IFB church in Arab, Al. I would love to sit and talk with you for a short while--to glean from your wisdom.
My daughter Lauren is 10 and she has been saved. Her life shows fruit and she is faithful. We homeschool to like you said.. keep them from the filth of the world as best we can.. well, in our church there is no little girls her age. Though her 5 yr.old sister is her best friend whom she loves very much- I know that she would enjoy a pen pal that is raised in a family of like faith such as your daughter(the younger) please e mail me to let me know what you think. Perhaps it could be done as a homeschooling thing?
Thanks so much! ~Melissa Smith
I always think of things I'd like to come in and blog......but can't seem to get in here as often as I'd like!
Melissa, I'll get with you......