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Cast Iron Skillet Cornbread Recipe

oven set to 400

1 cup flour
1 cup yellow cornmeal
2/3 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt
3 1/2 tsp. baking powder

mix dry ingredients then add:

1 egg
1 cup milk
1/3 cup oil

stir until just moistened

easy to double or trple this recipe

we double it :)

bake in oven until brown on top
cut into pie shape wedges and your supper will look like a fancy diner...........
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Thanks, I needed that! I will try it on Saturday. Love, Mom
Anonymous said…
Hi, I am wanting to know what pattern you use for your jumpers?
I really like them!
Theresa's Notes said…
that looks like a good recipe, I'll have to try that.

The picture?? were was it taken, the library? I would take my children to see it, if it's not to far away. Buddy would like to read it, no doubt.

love ya.
Anonymous said…
I use patterns like these:

McCalls 8429
Butterick 5159
see and sew 4567
Simplicity 9002 (it's so easy)
see and sew 4851
McCalls 4818
Butterick 3865
Easy Stitch and Save McCalls 9435

They all resemble each other and they are older patterns......

Mrs. Sewbunny
Anonymous said…
Theresa, we were at the county fair.
Tell my fellow rabbit lover that it was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly fun to see all the bunnies there.
Kristi said…
I always fix mine in an iron skillet and I love the crunchy bottom. That's my favorite part. :)

Hey, this would be good with the Benjamin Rabbit Stew!

Anonymous said…
I say, wot wot wot? Jolly good form taking pictures with ole bunny rabbits eh? But if you don't mind me saying so, it would have a better picture with us hares? Aya, wot wot!


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