I don't make bread very often. I use canned corn. Sometimes frozen. I buy ground coffee. I don't make my own noodles or yogurt But now this..... was fun. I actually made a potion before this one and it is now my shower cleaner. I wanted something that wouldn't put me in the Emergency Room after I was done cleaning! It is a mixture of liquid dish washing liquid and vinegar. It works better than anything I have ever purchased and I don't mind breathing the fumes of vinegar! I didn't really do it to save money........ I did it in hopes that it would clean better than what I was buying.... and be a little easier on my lungs and hands. Here is the recipe for Summer Cleaner: 5 oz. rubbing alcohol 3 oz. white vinegar 1 tsp. liquid laundry detergent 1 tsp. ammonia 2 drops of oil (lavendar, lemon-grass, violet) fill bottle to 24 oz. with water ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can't remember...