The skirt on the left, I have had for a long time.
I wear it ALL the time. That's why it's faded.
I couldn't believe my eyes when there was one at a thrift store for $2! I bought it and will probably fade it out also. I love the colors...and LOTS of tops go with this skirt. (s)
It may look like I spend LOTS of $$$ on skirts.
I don't.
Most of the skirts I own cost less than $1....some may have cost me all of fifty cents.
I do have a lot of skirts, but that's what I wear.
All the time. I might go back to jumpers, but right now I am wearing skirts. It's fun to have a choice, it's also fun to sew and to find them!
I'm waiting for the Holidays so I can wear this skirt.
Hopefully I can find a red top to go with it.
It is a whimisical skirt....lots of snowy bunnys and snowflakes. I can't wait to wear this!!
These skirts used to be dresses....until today. I was going through my closet looking for something and I ran across these. I put them up and haven't been wearing them. I cut the tops/bodices off of them and now they are skirts! I bought fabric at the old Goodwill store here in town long long ago and made the green dress. It was kind of wild, but I liked it. I'm thinking the fabric in the middle came from Ghana! The skirt on the left reminds me of a fire....I cannot bring myself to wear this until it is cold.
I bought two Land's End skirts from a thrift store with my daughter Sara in the little town she lives in. She actually found them, and I grabbed them from her.
I had a dark colored one years ago in the same style, and I wore it out. I was tickled to find these.....I will also be tickled when they are too big for me.....
A long time ago, James's mom told me I needed a black skirt. I think I was mainly wearing jumpers and dresses at the time and wasn't too concerned when she told me. This is a picture of a couple of black skirts I now own. The one on the left is from Kimberly. I traded her a stripey bag for it. I got the one on the right just this past week-end. It was 1/2 off at a thrift store. Now I do think it's pretty important to have black skirts. If I find a nice one and it fits....and I have money for it, I buy it. I will wear black skirts the rest of my I get nicer ones, I just get rid of the not so nice ones.
The skirts below are ones I have sewn. Now remember, I am getting fabric for next to nothing for the clothes I sew for myself. The elastic usually costs more than the material!
i love these skirts !!
Almost every time I am fixing to go somewhere and ask Lydia what I should wear, her answer is usually this....."wear the MEOW skirt!"
I do remember paying 50cents for the flowery fabric....and over a dollar for the elastic! It's one of my favorite things to wear. I am always on the look-out for a good black top, it used to be black skirts I couldn't find. Most tops available today are made to be worn TIGHT and LOW and I don't want either.
There are three skirts pictured above....not just one. These skirts can be folded and put in a suitcase and worn without ironing! I like these, too.
They are my fancy skirts.
Last, but not least. Last, but not all.
I have more.....
This is crazy, but the same top will go with both of these skirts! Yellow!
I have been greatly blessed by living in the area I do.
The thrift stores I go to don't charge more than $2.00 for a skirt....and sometimes it's even 25cents!
But if I only had three skirts to my name and pants were free, I'd wear the skirts. And never blink an eye.
Wearing a skirt will not make you modest, but it's a good place to start. You gotta start somewhere.
Just do it.
But you can make me one when I come down again in my colors!
I like the idea of turning old dresses into skirts. That's pretty cool. Hannah has a favorite denim skirt she loves but has become too short. She wants me to cut it off a little shorter and add some "gypsy" fabric to it. I can do that! I'm inspired now.