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To answer a question.............

I'm going to put short quotes to answer the question that arose about the book I am reading. I said it talked about divorce becoming easy and popular in the 20's to the 40's............

Daily Life in the United States 1920-1940

much courtship had taken place in the home according to well defined customs

men could, of course, decline to call, but if they did proceed they ventured into the woman's environment

"dating" began to replace calling early in the 20th century

cities offered greater possibilities outside the home

courting couples began going on dates

lovers lane entered the vocabulary

dates cost money
men gained control over the choice of partner and the entire process

dating soon ceased to be just a search for a mate

it became a primary means for casual social entertainment

the more numerous and varied the dates and the higher the standing of the person's dated, the higher one's status

dating brought with it freer attitudes......

dating exposed many young people to a greater varitey of potential partners, the decision to marry was cast in a new light

the most common justification offered in court for the few divorces of the 1880's was that he wasn't and adequate provider or she didn't carry out her duties in the home

by the 1920's fewer persons participated in family economies such as farming.........more people were involved in work settings where cash wages allowed individuals to purchase daily necessities

the mutual dependency in dealing with various basic life functions.......began to diminish

a new notion emerged, popularized by psychologists...... that a successful marriage was based primarily on affection and companionship

couples unable or unwilling to do so (resolve difficulties) were better off separating

some but not all states eased divorce requirements


We know it is sin that causes divorce, but this was interesting to see somebody break it down, sad but interesting.
My husband is teaching church history and says this often......"these changes did not come about overnight." They happened little bits at a time. People accepting wrong thinking it wouldn't hurt. Nobody notices, then one day you have this HUGE issue you have to deal with.
Divorce, heretical churches, no separation standards, can't do this or that to your kids cause they will report you..........breakdowns do NOT happen overnight.
If someone has the come-aparts today, they were NOT o.k. yesterday.
Be careful of the little sins, the things you think won't matter. All of it matters.
Don't let anything get by you that needs to be stopped.

a quote from Fiddler on the Roof.........where will it end? where will it end?


Very interesting, thank you for sharing the quotes. It sounds like a great book to read. (o:
I know as I was growing up, I only knew of one person connected to our families who had been divorced and then at times it was wispered about.

If people would learn to follow the rules set down by God concerning divorce there would be very few divorces. People think that divorce was given as a means to escape situations that they don't want to take the time and energy to work out through the Lord but in reality it was given because of the "hardness of men's hearts. Oh, if we could only learn that God's ways are best and they are the ones that always give us the most joy. Love, Mom McEntire
Peach said…
Thank you.
Velly intellesting!
Theresa's Notes said…
I never seen divorce broken down like that before. But no matter how one looks at it it's still a sin to divorce.
Theresa's Notes said…
The bible never says Moses got a divorce. That is pure speculation.

Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

Mark 10: 11-12 And he saith unto them, whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery aganinst her.
And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

Exodus 20: 14 the 7th commandment; Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Divorce looks like a sin to me.
James McEntire said…
Divorce is most of the time a sin. The Bible provides very narrow boundaries for seeking divorce, ie. fornication/adultery.

When divorce is sought under these circumstances it is permitted although it is clearly stated that it is because of the hardness of one's heart. Under these very narrow conditions I don't think divorce could be considered a sin.

Now the remarriage issue is altogether something else. I believe a very compelling argument can be made that remarriage even in cases of permissible divorce is forbidden.

My thoughts.
Kristi said…
Great post! "Falling apart" truly does not happen over night. Sin will build up until it finally causes you to crash and burn!

That post also says a lot for dating vs courtship!

Anonymous said…
Courtship is one old fashioned thing I don't mind going back to!
That will help TODAY be the good old days.
Mo said…
well Zan.......I at least know how to cut and paste!!!!!
James McEntire said…

I did take the time to read the articles and my opinion is that she takes a great deal of liberty with the Scripture.

She has allowed the prevelance of divorce/remarriage in the culture to determine her understanding of Scripture instead of allowing the Scripture to determine her understanding of divorce/remarriage.

She seems to be arguing that if you are not happy in your marriage then you have the liberty to end it.

Her poor interpretation skills especially in relation to Moses and Zipporah, the two becoming one flesh, being married for eternity to name a few, raises concerns about her method of exegesis.
James McEntire said…

I think I am going to post on this issue on my blog.

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