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Use this correctly in a sentence.....



Jason said…
I wanted to let you know that I have added you to my McBlogger Family list. Hope you like the name I gave you.

James McEntire said…
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!
I will just gander over at that old building.
Anonymous said…
It's fine Uncle Jason. I'll go take a 'gander' at it one more time.
Theresa's Notes said…
The word "Gander" is something I never heard of until I came to Texas, and I still don't know what it means and I still don't use it. So I'll leave it up to yous guys to use it in a sentence.
Anonymous said…
How about... goosey goosey gander.

And just for the record... I learned that from my mama.

And no, i won't sign my name to it.
Anonymous said…
No fair, James. You got mine. Just because you are three hours ahead of us doesn't mean you should have all the fun.

I think I'll have a gander at my new flower book that a very special friend gave to me for my birthday. (it is wonderful, mo, in case I haven't told you)
Anonymous said…
Kim,,,,,glad you liked the book. If I ever get to come to Alaska again, I'd like to take a gander at it.
Anonymous said…
marm, you bein takein all the guud stuff ho zurr!

'ow about,
that gander be a gurt stoopid beast ho hurr!
Jeremy C said…
I'm a little late with this but I here goes...

While wandering around in Gander, East Newfoundland Canada, I was called a gander while taking a gander at a gander. :)

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