This is Zephyr. She is the most discontent, unhappy cat I've ever seen in my life. She is selfish plain and simple. All she can think about is HER belly. This is not done in silence. When I get up (early), she's been up for hours wasting away. She's died of starvation 8 times. Don't be like Zephyr. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs "Who are the men who are most discontented? but idle persons-- for they lie around and find fault with everything." (page 50-51) Zephyr is an unhappy cat. Not a happy camper. How about you? IDLE lazy, slothful, work-shy (ha ha) shiftless, inactive, sluggish (like a bad drain) without purpose DISCONTENT dissatisfaction with circumstances displeasure Have you no weeds to pull? No list to make or finish? No bread to bake? Nothing to mend or fix? No corner to clean? Nothing to learn? No letter to write? No project to fin...
Rabbit Trails
If you chase enough rabbits, you'll make a trail. Come down those trails with me.